After you place your order you will receive an email from us with details on how to upload your photos. If you do not receive this email within a couple of hours of submitting your order, then please get in touch.
We can receive photos in many different ways but its often easier for our customers to share a DropBox or Google Drive folder with us. If you do not use one of these, then we recommend WeTransfer. All instructions will be provided in the email you will receive after you submit an order that requires photos to be supplied.
Photo mosaics work best when you have a large number of photos. Typically we would recommend at least 100 but the more you can supply the better the photo mosaic will look!
If you have ordered a photo mosaic then keep an eye out in your inbox as we will send you a preview of your order. You will then be given the opportunity to let us know what you like or don't like about the mosaic and we'll work on it until you are happy!
To acheive the best results and a balance between the overall photo mosaic and visibility of the photos within, the size of the photos will vary depending on the selected photo and number of supplied photos. We will always ensure the photos are as big as possible but if you'd like them bigger then please just say when we send you your mosaic preview.